
Jem Beltran | Tim Caliguid | Poco Calubad | Nelson Capila | Rigel De Jesus | Terence Dy Echo

Hideo Enomoto | Dale Garcia | Jethro Jamon| Ernest Lana | Peter Legaspi | Romeo Manangu

Dante Pamintuan | Migs Reyes | Thierry Santiago| Carlo Sawali | Gelo Se | Kim Soliven| Adrian Vidal

Shela Algodon | Ash Diaz | Alma Ilao | Karla Inoferio | Justine Jacinto

Vannah Lee | Elaine Oquendo | Chriselle Pablo| Ivi Torres | Vera Tuibeo

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

La Loba Negra

~ from Muon 09. :D

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I need a copy of this story but I can't buy one. Many thanks!

    Anyway, can you post the 9th page again? It's a little blurry. =)

    Keep it up!
